
Explore our curated list of resources designed to deepen your understanding of Munchausen by Proxy. Whether you're a medical professional, legal expert, or an educator, these resources provide valuable insights into the complexities of this condition.

 Essential Readings

Enhance your knowledge with these authoritative books on Munchausen by Proxy. Compiled by experts in psychology, medicine, and criminal justice.

Medicine, Deception, and Munchausen by Proxy.

A groundbreaking work of narrative true crime that investigates three cases of Munchausen by Proxy, unraveling this mysterious form of abuse and how unequipped our medical and justice systems are to handle it, from the host and creator of the award-winning podcast Nobody Should Believe Me and the nation’s top MBP investigative detective.

Praise for Nobody Should Believe Me:

“A rich and harrowing chronicle.”
New York Times

Praise for Andrea Dunlop’s fiction:

“Twisty and thought-provoking.” 
—Sara Shepard on Women Are the Fiercest Creatures

“Searing, gripping . . . a complicated tale of sisterhood unlike any told before.” 
—Taylor Jenkins Reid on We Came Here to Forget

  • Understanding Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy by Dr. Helen Hayward-Brown - Focuses on the psychological and sociological aspects of the syndrome, offering insights into both perpetrators and victims.

  • Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy Reconsidered by Dr. Eric Mart - This book revisits the definitions and perceptions of the condition, advocating for a broader understanding beyond traditional diagnostic criteria.

  • The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog by Dr. Bruce Perry - While not solely about medical child abuse, this book includes case studies that touch upon the subject within the context of broader child maltreatment.

  • Dibs in Search of Self by Virginia M. Axline - Includes discussions on misdiagnoses and misunderstandings in child psychology, relevant to medical child abuse cases.

  • Sickened: The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood by Julie Gregory - A personal memoir that offers an inside look at living with a mother who fabricates illness.

  • Playing Sick? by Marc D. Feldman - A comprehensive exploration of factitious disorders, including those imposed on another, commonly known in the context of medical child abuse.

  • Bitter Medicine: A Graphic Memoir of Mental Illness by Clem Martini and Olivier Martini - This graphic novel explores mental health issues through a family story, touching on themes relevant to medical child abuse.

  • Medical Child Abuse: The Role of the Physician by The American Academy of Pediatrics - Provides guidelines and best practices for physicians to recognize and manage cases of medical child abuse.

  • Medical Child Abuse (MCA): Hidden Tragedy by Dr. Joseph Murphy - Discusses the hidden nature of medical child abuse and provides strategies for recognition and prevention.

  • Medical Child Abuse: Beyond Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy - Focuses on broader concepts of medical child abuse, moving away from the stigma associated with Munchausen by Proxy.

Blogs By Mike

Informative Websites on Medical Child Abuse

Visit these websites for comprehensive information, support, and guidance on Munchausen by Proxy.

Podcasts On Medical Child Abuse

Visit these websites for comprehensive information, support, and guidance on Munchausen by Proxy.