Mike Weber, is a graduate of the University of North Texas (BS, 1990), who has an impressive 40-year law enforcement career. This includes over 16 years investigating Crimes Against Children. His impressive amount of years, along with his dedication to combating crimes against children have established him as a national authority in the investigation of Medical Child Abuse, commonly known as Munchausen by Proxy.
Who is Mike Weber?
His experience spans roles as a police detective and a district attorney investigator, giving him a comprehensive understanding of both law enforcement and the legal aspects of the criminal justice system. Weber's extensive network of law enforcement and prosecutorial contacts across the United States further amplifies his reach and influence.
“Working with Detective Mike Weber has been a career highlight. A renowned expert in Munchausen by Proxy (MBP) maltreatment, he has contributed to numerous cases with his deep commitment to justice and victim care. As colleagues at the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC), I've witnessed his profound impact. Det. Weber's workshops are highly organized, insightful and equips professionals from various fields—healthcare, child welfare, law enforcement, and judiciary—with essential skills for managing MBP cases effectively.”
-Marc D. Feldman, M.D., Professor, Author, and Expert
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About Mike
Weber's expertise is underscored by his involvement in more than 50 cases of medical child abuse, leading to 13 successful prosecutions. These include 12 felony child abuse convictions (all through guilty pleas), a misdemeanor Medicaid fraud conviction, and 3 ongoing trials. His analytical skills in reviewing over 10,000 pages of medical records have honed his ability to identify inconsistencies indicative of abuse.
Weber is a co-author of “Munchausen by Proxy; Clinical and Case Management Guidance,” published in the APSAC Advisor journal (March 2018), a peer-reviewed publication. He has authored significant works, including “Investigations of Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another or Medical Child Abuse” (APSAC Advisor, March 2018) and “Investigating Medical Child Abuse” (FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, August 2018). His contributions extend to his role on the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children’s Munchausen by Proxy task force.
Weber has testified in over 50 felony criminal court trials, including multiple occurrences testifying on medical child abuse in family court, and authored more than 100 search warrants across various criminal cases. His key testimonial roles in high-profile cases, such as those of Geronimo Aguilar and Donn Deveral Martin, highlight his proficiency and reliability as an expert witness.
Weber is a recognized trainer for CPS and law enforcement, specializing in serious physical and sexual child abuse cases. His commendable work has been honored with awards such as the 2016 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s Texas Hero for Children Award and the 2013 Alliance for Children’s Team Excellence Award.